my Diaryland Diary


oh resentment, how you fuel me.

okay, so i know that the bus isn't really the best place for a person to be if they don't like getting touched by strangers, but COME ON! Holy cromoley. I fucking hate being touched by pretty much everyone, but fucking old chineese lady top the cake. She was practically flinging her arm around me. I was in MY seat and so was she! Eew, it creeps me out! And what am i supposed to do? Yell at her? push back hard on her arm? Ask her nicely to get the fuck out of my personal space? Or smack her in the punnum with my fucking umbrella.

I chose to silently seethe and read my newspaper, taking consolation in the fact that she will be dead far sooner than I.

I think that it's patently unfair that not only am I rendered out of comission for four or five days every month, but that while in this 'bleeding like a stuck pig' phase, it also feels like my uterus is trying to crawl up my throat and strangle me from the inside.

6:33 p.m. - 2006-03-07


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