my Diaryland Diary


dicks for everyone.

Holy fucking Christ. What a monday. That's the only way to put it. Monday. My new four letter word. I hate my boss...Don, you are just SUCH a prick...I'm pissed at my stepdad (heaven forbid I eat soup and salad instead of stir fry with everyone else. I like to eat before 7:30, and they haven't even started cooking yet.) It's 7:45 where I am.

Stupid muttface hasnt called...He's SO not taking me out to dinner, and the new boy at work is a devout Christian, so that would never work...there's always Damian or Carlos though...

Fuck I'm bored. Also, while I'm on a rant, I hate my friends. THey're all dicks. Especially Justus. It occurs to me that most of my entries are short. Maybe it's just that the ones I usually read are long. I don't know. But for whatever reason, I simply cannot be bothered to yammer on about much of anything for more than a paragraph, so there you have it. I am nothing if not abrubt. Fuck...I mean monday.

7:43 p.m. - 2005-05-16


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