my Diaryland Diary


A stolen quiz

A is for age: 21

B is for boyfriend: HA! Don't be hurtful.

C is for career: Makeup artist extrordinaire.

D is for dad's name: Father: Greg. Dad: Brad.

E is for essential item to bring to a party: Gin.

F is for favorite song at the moment: Shine It All Around by Robert Plant. This is just at the moment though. I'll probably go back and edit this at some point.

G is for girlfriend: Yah. 12. I'm a hot fucking commodity for the laydeez.

H is for hometown: C-town. Hyuck. I like the rodeeo

I is for instruments you play: Clarinet, Kazoo, Cowbell. The three C's.

J is for jam or jelly you like: Mixed Berry or Apricot.

K is for kids: 9. They match my white picket fence, border collie and the grey volvo. No. I have no children. I'm really more of a "Hey, it's Tuesday. Let's go to Peru" sort of gal.

L is for living arrangements: Transient. I'm a hobo. My name is Bob. Bob the hobo.

M is for mom's name: Sue.

N is for name of your best friend : Do people name their appendages? I am rather fond of my left leg. It's shapely.

O is for overnight hospital stays: No. I broke my arm and my leg at the same time though once and was there all night waiting for them to re-organize my limbs.

P is for phobia[s]: Sharks; bees, wasps and hornets; large bodies of open water; being buned alive.

Q is for quote you like: "The theory two plus two equals five is not without it's attractions." Fyodor Dostoyevski

R is for relationship: Did B and G not sufficiently answer this question?

S is for sexual position: I assume you mean favorite. So far it's on my back with my legs around his shoulders. Doggie style wasn't bad any of it bad?

T is for time you wake up: 10:30 if I sleep in (how pathetic. I remember the days I slept till 2 or 3), 7 if I have to work.

U is for unique trait: My head is shaped like a rugby ball...deformy goodness. Actually, nobody really knows what color my eyes are. That's unique. Also, I'm a walking encyclopedia of useless information.

V is for vegetable you love: turnips. and spaghetti squash.

W is for worst habit: I'm a social smoker. Also, I'm judgemental.

X is for x-rays you've had: Loads. Anybody who gets their teeth cleaned on any sort of regular basis won't be able to remember that exact number. You sir, are obviously unkepmt and have a gungy mouth. Ick.

Y is for yummy food you make: Tonight I made pork chops and spaghetti with a spicy mushroom sauce. Definitely good. I make a mean gingersnap too.

Z is for zodiac sign: Virgo. Was my perfection not glaringly obvious? No? I'll have to work on that.

10:26 p.m. - 2005-06-07


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