my Diaryland Diary


Craving pudding.

So...Saturday night I went to the gay bar to be at in C dot. I'm never going there again. Two reasons: Damn all you good looking homos who I don't stand a chance with. Nobody ever asked ME if I wanted a 'gina or a dick, so why are you making it my problem? I think on behalf of all hetero females I must say what a waste it is. Please don't get me wrong, some of my best friends are gay, it's just that it's not fair that all the hot men are either gay or taken. So I can't go there because I get all hot and bothered and then go home...alone.
Secondly, I'm not allowed to go back. The girl we went with puked all over this booth and we all got kicked out and told never to come back. It's all good though, I'm done with this city in 27 days.


I move in 27 days. Excuse me while my stomach makes an attempt to vacate the premises. Anybody feel like giving me money for school?

That's what I thought. You're all cheap bastards.

Today I spent 2 hours in the portrait centre of Sears with my 6 year old sister, my 4 year old brother, my stepmom, and my dad (who I suspect is actually only 8 himself. Stupid git). I never ever ever want to work at Sears' Portrait Studio. I would rather do these following things:

-knaw off an appendage
-go back to Twisted (gay bar...see above. Can't go back.)
-watch a Hillary Duff movie marathon
-collect dirty diapers on a hot summer afternoon, then stow them in my car until mid-November
-Tweeze every hair off my body without a numbing agent

There are more things that I would rather do, but listing them all seems a bit superfluous.

Ran a stupid banner today. God I suck at all things computery. If you came here because of it, thanks!

7:10 p.m. - 2005-07-04


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