my Diaryland Diary


Oh, I'm SUCH a loser some times.

I've been at work for approximately 2 hours now and have gotten roughly nothing done. At least it's my last day here and I haven't had to pay for coffee all week or lunch in the last two days.

Guess what I'm listening to? "No strings attached" from NSync. Oh yeah, NSync. I can't stop this overwhelming urge to giggle. Oh sexy sexy pre-pubescent Justin Timberlake. It's my guilty little pleasure, my love for some Pop music. It's okay though, I hide it well. I keep them tucked behind my Elliott Smith, Distillers, Handsome Boy Modeling School and The Stills CD's.

I have no shame.

OK, so I just thought of the best reality tv show: you stick the Backstreet boys and NSYnc in the same house, and you make them fight. Like a cock fight, only a...boy fight? No, there's gotta be a better way of saying off? band fight. bitch fight. survival of the dumbest. mmmm...I think that this is a work in progress.

I think that if Backstreet and Nsync had an unspoken "who's a bigger boyband", Nsync won. Backstreet is just odd...their newest single makes my face twitch. I hate it. They just need to GO AWAY! Face it kids, your career is done, hope you invested your Royalties well...

If you could put 10 'celebrities' on a ship and send them to mars a la Simpsons style, who would it be?

For me it would be as follows
1)Nick Carter
2)Aaron Carter
3)Lindsey Lohan
4)Hillary Duff
5)Tom Cruise
6)Charleton Heston
7)Usher (I'm surprised he can walk with a head that big)
8)JC Chazes
10) Winny the Pooh (I don't know if he counts, but that bear drives me crazy)

10:32 a.m. - 2005-08-05


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