my Diaryland Diary


two times in one day

These are the things I do to make me mine.

After all, who are we kidding in the end but ourselves.

I've been wondering why the word lovely has been appearing so often in my life as of late, and I suppose that it, like all things, appears for a reason. I suppose that when one is in need of something, the universe sends it. Well I've felt for so long to be unloveable that I think the universe is telling me that I am loved and loveable and lovely. I choose to see it as a sign. I look for signs. I love signs. Perhaps they are merely psychosomaticly induced coincidences, but whatever the reason for their presence, they are there and I try to be aware of them.

Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remeber what peace there may be in silence.

happiness is not a desitination, it is a method of life.

2:00 a.m. - 2006-12-27


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