my Diaryland Diary


and farewell

PLEASE BE AWARE: this entry may not make a whole fuck of alot of sense to anyone but me. I apologize in advance. Then again, it could make perfect sense. I don't know. I haven't written it yet.

I'm so frustrated at my dad. I don't know why either. it's just cause he's, well, him. he gives me these little guilt trips that aren't guilt trips and it makes me feel like it's all in my head. i'm so ridiculously easy to keep in line. i'm suprised i don't get fucked over more than i do now. and i get fucked over alot, so that's really saying something i guess.

it really didn't feel like christmas today. i don't know what it is...there's no real reason, it just sort of feels like...march. I don't know.

I'm so tired, and I wish I was stoned. I've spent this weekend being a total chron fiend. I dig it.

i don't know why i can't write anything in real in this diary. i'm feeling so much, i just never know where to begin. anybody who reads my diary must get so fucking frustrated cause i ALWAYS say that, but it't always true.

It's been 6 days since my last cigarette, and if I can make it until February first, i'm going to buy myself an iPod. I'm so hella excited.

tomorrow i need to buy the following: socks, pj pants, heavy duty hairspray texture shit, the mount sims cd, and most possibly a cd by the faint. it depends on how much the above is. OR I could hold off on the cd's and wait till i get something to play them on. good call. i'll do that.

note entirely to self: electrocute. remember that. i think i might like them. i don't know.

good night

10:48 p.m. - 2005-12-25


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